Cow at a water trough

Dairy Farm Water Management and Treatment

Dairy farm drinking water impacts individual cows, the herd at large and farm outputs. The water that cows drink not only affects their health and immunity but also their milk production. Water can spread disease or help prevent it. And when disease spreads via water, it does so very quickly.

Because water quality is so important for dairy farms, cleaning and disinfecting the water lines is at least as important as cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

Ecolab has the expertise, products and protocols to establish a high-quality dairy farm water system that helps keep your cows and your profit healthy. Want to learn more about drinking water products and protocols?

Cow Close Up

Dairy Farm Water System Contamination

The fastest way a pathogen can spread disease on a farm is through the drinking water. Contaminated or poor-quality water can compromise the immune system of cows and cause stress and disease due to constant exposure to infection. The biggest threat of disease is mastitis, which has devastating effects on cattle.
Biofilm in water line

Biofilm in Water Lines

Everything that goes through water lines leaves residue. Water leaves minerals, organic acids leave organic matter and medication, and vaccines can leave carriers behind or precipitate. 

All these elements form a slime called biofilm. Biofilm is a mix of organic and inorganic ingredients in which microbes are multiplying. It can contain pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli which are sources of contamination. The biofilm decreases water flow and can block the drinking nipples. It can also neutralize medicine and vaccines, leading to under-dosage or poor results.

Cow drinking water

Organic Acids

Products with synergistic formulations of multiple organic acids decrease pH slowly and have superior buffering capacities compared to single organics. Some of our acidifying products have antimicrobial properties. They offer a high antibacterial effect, taste better, and are less corrosive compared to single inorganic products.

Water can easily transmit viruses to the barn and each drinking nipple. Implementing a dairy farm hygiene plan could be in vain if drinking water is not included.

When you partner with Ecolab, you benefit from our expertise and experience with cow drinking water. We're here to help you maximise animal health and farm production through high-quality water management and treatment.

Commercial Farm

Product Information

Contact your local sales representative for more information on the best solutions available to meet your needs.

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Explore our Dairy Farm Water Management and Treatment Offerings

Farmer smiling while standing amongst dairy cows

We’re Here to Help

Disease prevention is an Ecolab specialty.

Connect with us to learn about biosecurity solutions for:

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