Data center cooling system

Data Centre Cooling System Management

Nalco Water offers programmes and strategies to optimise the performance of critical data centre cooling systems. We help data centres maximise uptime, water usage effectiveness (WUE) and power usage effectiveness (PUE), and minimise carbon footprint.

Water Treatment for Data Centres

Keep your data centre cooling systems running efficiently with programmes that help prevent corrosion, control scale and microbiological growth, and optimise the life of critical equipment assets.

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View of side walls and pipes of a very large data center cooling system

3D TRASAR™ Cooling Water Technology

3D TRASAR is the industry’s most advanced and broadly implemented solution for cooling water management.

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Product box for Rapid Bio Intelligence total aerobic bacteria test kit

Rapid Bio Intelligence

Staying ahead of surface bacteria in your data centre cooling water just got faster and easier with the Rapid Bio Intelligence total aerobic bacteria test kit.

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Two men in hard hats talking outside data center cooling tower

Cooling Tower Cleaning and Disinfection Programmes

Our cooling tower cleaning and disinfection programmes contribute directly to key value drivers including sustainability, uptime and PUE/WUE.

Data Centre Water Safety

We offer a holistic approach to help manage water safety risk and control Legionella growth in data centre cooling systems. 

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Microscopic view of legionella pneumophila

Water Safety Intelligence

Water Safety Intelligence powered by ECOLAB3D delivers unparalleled insight into your water risk with robust data, advanced analytics and industry-leading expertise.

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Water flowing out of large pipes in a cement wall into a body of water

Water Safety Programmes

Our comprehensive approach helps you manage water safety risk and control Legionella in even the most complex data centre water systems.

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Two women working on a computer in a server room at a data center.

Optimizing Safe Water at SAP Data Centres

Through effective water safety management, Nalco Water helps SAP minimise risk and avoid unexpected costs in their data centres globally. 

Related Data Centres Programmes & Solutions

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AccuPro™Chlorine Dioxide Program

Envirox™ On-Site Chlorine Dioxide Generation Programme

Our Envirox™ chlorine dioxide programme is designed to deliver three key values: safety, reliability and sustainability.

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Two business people talking surrounded by global visualization and data center schematic

ECOLAB3D™ IIoT Platform

ECOLAB3D is a secure, cloud-based IIoT platform that streamlines data into actionable insights to help you improve data centre operations and performance.

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Curved wall of a large server room in a data center

Water Treatment for Process-Critical Closed Loops

Maximise the operational efficiency of your process-critical systems with our safe, efficient, easy-to-use solution for these integrated closed loops. 

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Women inside Data Center Facility

Ecolab Global Intelligence Centre

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing our team of experts is monitoring your data centre water system 24/7/365 to help you meet uptime targets.

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White rust inhibitor

White Rust Inhibitor

Nalco Water’s patented white rust inhibitor is formulated to minimise white rust corrosion as an integral part of a condenser water management programme.