Water coming in from the side of the screen

Protecting water for the future

Did you know?

58% of consumers in France think businesses need better solutions for combatting water scarcity, according to the Ecolab Watermark Survey™

“If industry is not at the table to advocate and develop climate and water solutions that protect our communities, we will continue to fuel consumer sentiment that we’re not doing enough.”

Emilio Tenuta, Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Ecolab

Understanding the French Water Plan

Launched in March 2023 in response to growing water stress, the government's Water Plan lays out a resilient water management approach to reduce the country’s water consumption by 10% by 2030. Overall, the French water plan was launched to change how water is consumed in France to fight against water scarcity.

The three main objectives of this plan are focused on :

1.  SOBRIETY: Organising water use sobriety for all actors
2.  AVAILABILITY: Optimizing the water resource availability
3.  QUALITY: Preserving water quality

Key highlights from the Water Plan’s 53 measures include:

  • Implementation of water-saving plans for all sectors
  • Support for industrial sites with the greatest potential for water consumption reduction
  • Recovery of non-conventional water (reuse of wastewater, rainwater rainwater, grey water, etc.) to reach 10% reuse of treated water by 2030
  • 475 Million Euros of funding released
Aerial view of a dam


Ecolab’s positive impact on the planet is multiplied through the work we do with our customers and partners. While we actively work to minimise our total water and carbon footprints, Ecolab’s innovative water- and energy solutions and services help customers conserve freshwater and avoid greenhouse gas emissions in their own operations.

Working toward a 100% positive future requires a collective effort — it is a mindset that propels our associates, customers and communities forward. Our 2030 Impact Goals reflect our ongoing dedication to our vision for a thriving world. Our 2030 Impact Goals showcase our global team’s dedication to helping customers maximise business outcomes at the highest rate of return while making a positive impact on water, climate, food and health.


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A portrait of geoff townsend

Introducing Geoff, our expert on all things water

Dr. Geoff Townsend is an industry fellow for Ecolab. He helps direct Ecolab’s water- and energy-related innovation with a particular emphasis on enabling our customers to meet the challenges associated with water scarcity and water quality constraints while minimising the financial and environmental impact.

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Cargill Food Processing Plant Wastewater Recycling

Conserving Freshwater for Cargill

Cargill turned to its longtime partner Ecolab, an industry leader in water and process management. The solution: recycling water from the site’s effluent, or wastewater, treatment plant for reuse in the plant’s cooling system. Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR™ Technology and Nalco Water’s Oxidant Controller were employed to monitor and control critical water performance indicators, such as scale, corrosion and microbial fouling.

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Hydrogen Solutions

Hydrogen will represent up to 35% of all energy use by 2050, corresponding to a demand of about 3500TWh, mostly supplied by renewable energy sources. Water is critical for hydrogen production. Roughly 100 m3 per hour of water is required for 100 megawatts of electrolyzer capacity to keep the plant running. 

Our Solutions

Men analyzing CIP system
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Water Flow Intelligence & 3D TRASAR Technology

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Reuse and recycle opportunities: process water, reuse, recycle

Nalco Water experts
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Water Quality Intelligence and Remote Monitoring

Ecolab Water for Climate logo
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Ecolab Water for Climate Water Management Programme

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